Steer Clear of Moving Websites for Vehicle Shipping Guidance

When faced with shipping a vehicle, whether for a cross-country move, an online vehicle purchase, or a dealer relocation, individuals often turn to the internet for guidance. The vast online landscape offers many resources, including moving websites that claim to provide expert advice on vehicle shipping. However, while these platforms may seem like convenient sources of information, caution is essential.

Therefore, looking for vehicle shipping advice from moving websites can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they may offer some general insights into the process, highlighting key considerations and potential pitfalls. But on the other hand, relying solely on such sources can lead to severe consequences, ranging from financial losses to a frustrating and unsuccessful shipping experience.

Let us explore why you should not seek information about shipping from random moving websites that you find:

Steer Clear of Moving Websites for Vehicle Shipping Guidance

Lack of Industry Expertise

Moving websites often lack specialized knowledge about the intricacies of vehicle shipping. Yes, they help people move, but shipping is a different industry. Most do not know the logistics or how to ship specific tools, such as snow removal equipment shipping.

While they might have helpful information on general moving practices, they may not be well-versed in transporting vehicles’ specific requirements and challenges. Hence, you are more likely to find superficial, outdated, or even inaccurate information, leading to serious problems during shipping.

Incomplete Information

There is no better person to answer your questions regarding shipping than a carrier solely concentrating on that. They understand which months are ideal for shipping, provide the proper shipping quotation, know the routes to use, and will be there if anything goes wrong. The transportation industry is constantly evolving, with regulations, rates, and best practices subject to change over time.

Moving websites might not update content regularly, leading users to rely on outdated information. Consequently, individuals may make decisions based on irrelevant data, resulting in delayed deliveries, unexpected fees, or even legal complications. It means that you will get some information but, most times, not the right one.

Misleading Recommendations

Misleading Recommendations

Some moving websites may be affiliated with certain vehicle shipping companies or brokers, creating a conflict of interest. It results in biased opinions on specific issues, such as the shipping company to hire and which shipping method is more suitable than the other. You might find a moving company recommending an enclosed shipping method because there is a commission for them from the shipping company they are advertising.

Thus, the advice may be biased towards promoting specific services, regardless of their quality or reputation. Relying on such biased recommendations could lead to choosing subpar shipping options, compromising the safety and security of your vehicle during transit.

Limited Scope of Information

Transporting a vehicle involves numerous variables, including the type of vehicle, destination, time frame, and budget considerations. Moving websites may only provide general information, failing to consider individual circumstances and unique shipping requirements.

Consequently, users might not receive tailored advice and overlook essential factors significantly impacting their vehicle shipping experience. So, if you are a car enthusiast looking for collector car shipping services, moving websites will offer you limited information on how to go about this, making the process more complex than it is!

Personalized Services


Shipping a car requires proper securing and handling to ensure its safety during transit. Professional auto carriers have the right equipment and experience to secure vehicles correctly, reducing the risk of damage. Moving companies may not have the same expertise in this area, thus putting your car at risk of getting damaged while shipping.

That is not a risk worth taking. Sometimes, moving companies might reassure you on their website that they might take the proper precautions during shipping, but you should not take their word as a guarantee. It might become an expensive affair once the vehicle gets to you.

Personalized Services

A shipping company always has your back and is willing to work with you no matter your budget or type of car. Vehicle transport companies often provide various shipping options to cater to different types of vehicles and customer preferences. However, moving companies might have limited customization choices for car shipping, thus forcing you to stick to the only options you come across during your research.


You should be cautious and avoid seeking vehicle shipping advice from moving websites. While these platforms may provide general information on car shipping advice, they often lack the specialized knowledge and expertise required for shipping vehicles. Therefore, relying solely on such sources can lead to misinformation, potential pitfalls, and financial losses.

Vehicle shipping needs you to consult reputable and experienced professionals in the field, as they understand the industry better than anyone else does. Professional auto transport companies have the knowledge, resources, and industry-specific insights to ensure a smooth and successful vehicle shipping process. It is easy for them to provide accurate quotes, help with paperwork and adhere to safety standards, thereby minimizing the risks associated with the transportation of your car.