How to Handle Accidentally Locking Your Keys in Your Vehicle

When you’re in a rush, it’s easy to accidentally lock your keys in your car. If you’re locked out, don’t panic. Here’s what you can do to re-enter your car.

How to Handle Accidentally Locking Your Keys in Your Vehicle

Check if Any Windows or Doors Are Unlocked

Sometimes, some doors or windows may remain unlocked. If you’re fortunate to have an open door or window, you can re-enter your car without your keys.

Retrieve Your Spare Key

Your car dealer probably gave you extra keys when you purchased your car. If you’re at home and have a spare key, look for it first.

Call Roadside Assistance

Call Roadside Assistance

Roadside assistance companies like the American Automobile Association (AAA), Allstate, and Progressive offer lockout services. If you have a membership with a roadside assistance provider, contact your provider. Most roadside assistance companies offer round-the-clock service and may even offer you a free lockout, depending on your membership plan.

However, don’t fret if you don’t have a roadside assistance plan. Roadside assistance companies also offer lockout services to non-members, though you’ll need to pay out of pocket for the service.

Contact a Towing Service

Contact a Towing Service

Like roadside assistance companies, many towing companies provide lockout services. Conduct an online search for a towing service near you and contact a towing company. Just bear in mind that towing companies may take up to half an hour or longer to arrive, so you may want to consider other options if you need to re-enter your car quickly.

Contact a Locksmith

Calling a locksmith is another viable solution. These professionals have the tools to open your car quickly without causing any damage. However, waiting times vary, so you may want to consider other alternatives if you need to unlock your car urgently.

Use Your Car’s Tech Features

Use Your Car’s Tech Features

Calling a roadside assistance company, towing service, or locksmith for help can come at a hefty cost. Fortunately, you won’t need to resort to these options if you have a newer car. 

Many modern vehicles have smartphone apps that you can use to unlock your door. Typically, you must have already paired your vehicle to the app before locking yourself out. Check your automobile manufacturer’s website for details on unlocking your car using the app.

Besides apps, some vehicles have door-mounted keypads that allow you to key in a code to gain entry. If you own a Ford, Lincoln, or Mercury, you may be able to unlock your car using this option.

Use a DIY Hack

Use a DIY Hack

You may want to consider a DIY fix if you aren’t in a hurry and have time to retrieve the required tools. Just be sure you know how to use your chosen tool to avoid damaging your vehicle or injuring yourself. Bearing that in mind, here are some DIY options to unlock your car.

Use a Shoelace

If you’re wearing shoes with laces and you have a car with manual locks, you can unlock your car using your shoelace. 

Follow these steps to pry open your doors using your shoelace:

  • Slide the shoelace in through the top corner of the driver’s door.
  • Once it’s inside, move it to the right side of the door and make a slip knot.
  • Wiggle the slip knot through the door and use a back-and-forth motion to move it down the car window and toward the lock. 
  • Carefully move the slip knot down until it catches the lock.
  • Once the loop catches the lock, pull the lace ends to tighten the knot.
  • When the knot feels tight around the lock, gently pull it up to unlock your car door.

Use a Wire Hanger

Use a Wire Hanger

Besides the shoelace method, you can also unlock your car using a wire hanger if your car has manual locks.

Follow these steps to unlock your car using a wire hanger:

  • Straighten the wire hanger using pliers, leaving a hook on one end.
  • Insert the hooked end of the wire hanger between the window and the weatherstripping.
  • Look for the lock mechanism. It’s typically a metal rod you can hook onto with the wire. 
  • Carefully maneuver the wire until it hooks onto the lock mechanism. You may need to move it up and down several times until you can hook it.
  • Once the hook latches onto the lock mechanism, pull up the wire hanger to open the car door. You may need to exert pressure to unlock the door.

These DIY options won’t cost you a dime except your time, making them worth considering. However, while they are pocket-friendly, here are some of their downsides:

  • Time-consuming: These DIY car unlocking methods can take a lot of time to execute. If you’re in a hurry or somewhere unsafe, they may not be ideal for you.
  • Risk of damage: If you aren’t comfortable performing these DIY methods, you may damage your weatherstripping or ruin your car’s paint job.
  • Unsuitable for newer cars: These methods aren’t suitable for newer models with automatic locks.

Call 911

Call 911

Finally, if a child or pet is in your vehicle or you’re in a lonely area late at night, dial 911. In most cases, the police will respond faster than other car unlocking professionals, and they’ll be able to unlock your car. However, you should only explore this option as a last resort if you think you’re in danger.

How to Avoid Getting Locked Out of Your Car

Getting locked out of your car can be distressing. If you frequently lock your keys in your car, here are some measures you can take:

  • Always carry a spare key: Put a spare key in your wallet, handbag, purse, or somewhere else where it’s easily retrievable.
  • Download your automaker’s app: If you have a newer car model, download your automaker’s app and pair it with your vehicle.
  • Don’t rush: Try not to rush when exiting your car. Countercheck everything to ensure you don’t leave without your keys.

If you accidentally locked yourself out of your car but still need to have it transported, don’t worry. Our professionals can unlock your car without causing any damage to it. Contact Ship A Car today to learn more.