Can Your Auto Transport Pickup and Drop-off Dates Be Guaranteed?

Now that you received your quote, made your deposit, and specified a date to have your car picked up and delivered, should you worry as to if your vehicle cannot be picked up / delivered on that specific date? A guaranteed pickup and delivery date is a date that you specify to your car shipping company. However, most times, the auto carrier will make every effort to come at the scheduled times, it is very difficult to guarantee anything. For more reasons, you need to read through this article to understand the causes of delays in car shipping and how things can work without delay.

Are Car Shipping Dates Guaranteed?

Car shipping dates are not always precise. They are usually estimated. The delivery dates may be altered due to unforeseen circumstances. Such unforeseen circumstances include:

Traffic: Traffic is often caused by ongoing road constructions, accidents, and physical road blockage. These factors may cause congestion on the road.

Poor weather conditions: When there are poor weather conditions like snow, sleet, rain and fog, delivery trucks may have to discontinue a journey temporarily to prevent accidents. And we know these accidents may lead to the loss of goods and lives. Therefore, causing a delay in such delivery.

Truck failure or mechanical breakdowns: A mechanical breakdown can occur during transport.  These breakdowns require time to repair, consequently causing a delay in the delivery

The number of stops: In a situation where a truck is to deliver more than one car to different destinations, the number of stops before reaching your destination can slow down the pace of the delivery.

Delays: Delays by other customers that are supposed to pick up their deliveries before you can lead to an unguaranteed delivery date and time.

Pick-up and Delivery Windows

The delivery windows can vary and can be within 1 to 2 days or more.

Due to this, the pickup date will be much more accurate, and the delivery date will have a window of a few days which can cover any unforeseen circumstances.

However, there are specific ways that the buyer can also help prevent a delay in a shipping delivery. Some of the ways are:

Providing correct documentation: Providing the right and necessary documents for pickup and delivery is very important. It helps save time.

Choice of shipping company: You should diligently research the shipping companies and their reviews from previous customers.

Establishing proper communication: You need to communicate well with the company in charge of your delivery to avoid mistakes in dates and destinations.

Plan around the window: The delivery windows are always given to estimate the delivery time. So, ensure to make your plans around the window.

Get updates: You need to get updates from your shipping and delivery company. It will help keep track of your property and know when it’s available for pickup. You can even request that the company share its GPS location to keep track (only if the carrier offers this).

Confirm the insurance coverage with each shipper and truck driver: Insurance is crucial in car shipping and delivery. It is vital to know about the insurance offers your shipping and delivery company has for you.

Check licensing information: As a customer, you also ensure all things needed for the successful shipping and delivery of your car are intact. To be on the safe side, check and confirm the licensing information of your shipping and delivery company with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.


You can contribute to making your vehicle arrive at a more specific delivery date if you take the steps stated in this article. Also, it is best if you are diligent in choosing the right shipping company for your shipping so that you can enjoy maximum satisfaction in getting your vehicle delivered. More reason you should contact the Ship A Car, Inc. Team to handle your car shipping. Get a quote by dialing the team at (866) 821-4555.